Give your opinion on the cleanliness of your city 

The questions :

1. On a scale of 1 to 10, how clean do you find the city in general? 
How clean are the public spaces, such as parks, streets, and squares? 
How do you rate the city's waste management (garbage collection, recycling, etc.)? 

2. How well-maintained are the green spaces and public gardens? 
Does the city provide enough public trash bins, and are they regularly emptied? 
What is your opinion on the cleanliness of public transportation (buses, subway, tram, etc.)?

3. How do you perceive the cleanliness of tourist areas and places of interest? 
Does the city offer any cleanliness and environmental awareness programs?

4. Have you noticed any community initiatives to maintain cleanliness in the city? 
Overall, would you say the city is making progress in improving its cleanliness compared to previous years? 

5. How clean are the public spaces, such as parks, streets, and squares? 

6. How do you rate the city's waste management (garbage collection, recycling, etc.)? 
Accord RGPD
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